24 Ice Pornstar Martini 5 pack

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The refreshing Frozen Cocktails are poptails in all colours and flavours. One of these new flavours is Pornstar Martini.

The original Pornstar Martini cocktail is a well-known cocktail with passion fruit and vanilla vodka. It was created in 1999 by the owner of a café in the London district of Soho. In the meantime, it has become one of the most popular cocktails alongside Mojito!

How does it taste?

The Frozen Cocktail Pornstar Martini is vodka based and has the sweet taste of passion fruit and vanilla.

How does it work?

Freeze the liquid sticks at a temperature below -18°C (standard freezer). Pornstar Martini tastes best when completely frozen.
Pornstar Martini Frozen Cocktail contains 5% alcohol and only 56 calories.